Direct Entry MSN Program (MIDAS)


Program Details

Why Xavier’s Direct Entry MSN Degree Program?

作为护理领域的领导者,你想开始新的职业生涯吗? Xavier University’s 加速第二学位直接入学护理学硕士课程 is designed to prepare students who have bachelor's degrees in non-nursing fields of study to become registered nurses—no BSN required.

Perfect for Career Changers - No BSN Required

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的直接进入MSN学位课程提供全面的培训, 为你成为注册护士铺平道路. Learn how to provide expert care and patient advocacy through clinical experiences and rigorous courses in ethics, psychiatric nursing, family nursing, adult medical-surgical nursing, pharmacology and more.

Excellent Preparation for the NCLEX-RN Exam

By the end of this 20-month, full-time program, 你将被授予护理学硕士学位(MSN),并有资格参加 全国委员会执照考试注册护士(NCLEX-RN) exam. You’ll also be prepared to sit for the Holistic Nurse Certification (HNC) and the 临床护士长证书考试 upon passing the NCLEX exam.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提市,是美国公认的顶尖大学 U.S. News & World ReportThe Princeton Review and Forbes.


MSN Admission

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台为符合条件的申请人提供MIDAS项目的滚动录取. Although the program begins each fall semester prospective students may apply to the program year-round. It is encouraged to apply early, 特别是如果评估和指导的先决条件课程是必要的. 一旦所有材料都收到,我们委员会将进行审查并作出决定.

Please note: A past felony or misdemeanor conviction may result in disqualification for the state licensure examination (as outlined in Section 4723.28 of the Ohio Revised Code).

Info Sessions

The College of Nursing would like to invite you to a Question and Answer Information session regarding the Accelerated, Direct Entry, Second Degree, Pre-Licensure MSN MIDAS program.

The MSN MIDAS program is a pre-licensure nursing program that was created for those who have earned a Bachelor degree in a major other than nursing who wish to become a registered nurse. The sessions will provide an opportunity for you to meet with the Director of the MSN MIDAS program and other Faculty and Staff members to ask questions that you may have regarding the program.

MSN Curriculum

The curriculum for Xavier’s MIDAS program builds upon your previous non-nursing-related experiences by equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to provide quality, patient-centered care.

Integrating both traditional, didactic coursework and clinical practicums, 加速MSN程序在一系列学科训练你, including family and adult nursing, pharmacology, pathophysiology and psychiatric nursing. 你将接受全面的护理理论基础培训, 研究方法和护理职业道德.

Additionally, each semester, you participate in practicums designed to hone your clinical skills and put your classroom knowledge into practice. These immersive learning experiences are integral to your development as a medical professional and help you make vital connections within the field.

Lastly, to refine your nursing approach, you undergo professional development courses that strengthen your management skills and leadership approaches and help you better understand the diverse populations you serve as a healthcare worker.


Tuition and Fees

At Xavier, 我们知道攻读研究生学位是一项重大投资, 我们在这里通过资助你的MSN来支持你. 有竞争力的学费和全方位的 financial aid offerings and resources, you can earn your degree affordably.

The MIDAS program requires 79 semester hours. 除非另有说明,学费按学时计算.

Frequently Asked Questions

When we seek something more, we become something greater.


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Receive a CCNE-Accredited Nursing Education


确保我们的护理学生接受全面和最新的培训, Xavier’s nursing programs are accredited by the 大学护理教育委员会(CCNE) and approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN). Proudly, Xavier University is one of only 17 schools endorsed nationally by the 美国整体护士资格认证协会.



在泽维尔,我们相信学生在实地学习中学得最好. That’s why we maintain close agreements with more than 30 healthcare agencies in the Greater Cincinnati area. Through this rich, expansive network of partners, our nursing students receive some of the top-tier clinical placements of any nursing school in Ohio.

Learn in Leading-Edge Simulation Labs


In preparation for clinical experiences, nursing students begin their studies in Xavier's state-of-the-art clinical simulation laboratories. Using human patient simulators, students participate in challenging, real-life scenarios, 是什么赋予他们实用的技能和信心去照顾真正的病人.

Career Outlook for MSN–Educated Nurses

随着社区卫生需求的增长,有能力的、接受过msn教育的护士需求量很大. Over the next decade, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a six percent increase in the employment of registered nurses, which translates into an estimated 203,200 new job openings each year.

With a new wave of nurses entering the field, healthcare organizations look to well-educated professionals who have the skills to provide patients with quality care and take on leadership roles to ensure facilities remain efficient and organized. 

By obtaining your MSN degree, you have the clinical experience and the advanced professional development required to assume leadership positions like a nursing manager or director. According to PayScale, nurses in these positions earn an average income of $111,896 and $100,999, respectively.


Xavier University’s accelerated MSN program helps you make the career switch to nursing by delivering intensive training, hands-on experience and professional development. At the end of the program, you graduate ready to enter the healthcare industry and provide holistic care to patients of all backgrounds. Build your clinical skills and become a part of promoting community health and wellness by enrolling in Xavier’s direct entry Master of Science in Nursing program.

Xavier University’s College of Nursing prepares undergraduate and graduate students as professional nurses to meet the needs of diverse populations in an ever-changing, highly technical health-care environment. Graduates have the skills to practice nursing today and to be nurse leaders tomorrow in holistic health-care delivery with an educational foundation grounded in Jesuit values. 我们的毕业生知识渊博,在医疗界备受尊敬, professional, 有道德,并准备在应对卫生保健服务方面的挑战方面表现出色. Xavier’s Nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台是一所位于辛辛那提的私立大学, Ohio, 提供耶稣会天主教传统的文科教育. 该大学成立于1831年,是美国第六古老的天主教大学. 它被美国大学评为中西部地区前10名的硕士水平大学之一.S. News & World Report for the past two decades. 《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》将其评为“美国最好的385所大学”之一."