


你想改变世界吗? 作为一名哲学专业的学生, 政治, 和公共荣誉计划(PPP), 你会燃起你对政治的热情, 政府和社区的学术挑战, 有意义的实习经历和国际学习.

通过多学科的课程, you’ll develop 和 pursue your own interests in underst和ing 和 engaging in the public sphere. 你也会积极参与政治生活, working on political campaigns or interning with a legal or government office or non-profit organization, 为重要的立法进行研究和游说. A grant will support you in studying abroad for a semester at your choice of institutions all over 世界—from London or Paris, to Seoul or Dakar—or participating in a PPP faculty-led program in Berlin or Israel.

PPP is a rigorous, interdisciplinary honors program at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台. 这个项目的入学竞争非常激烈. Students typically rank in the top 15 percent of their high school class, 目前的综合成绩至少为1300分(SAT)或29分(ACT), 然而,这些并不是严格的入学要求.




The sample course sequence below illustrates class offerings for the 哲学、政治和公众 major. 咨询官方 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台课程目录 详细的注册和咨询信息.


  • PHIL 100伦理学是哲学的入门............ 3cr.
  • 英语115英语修辞............ 3cr.
  • 第二语言............ 3cr.
  • 语言我............ 3cr.
  • 历史视角(国际或非西方焦点)............ 3cr.
  • 一年级的课程............ 3cr.


  • 哲学观点............ 3cr.
  • 《权力与公众............ 3cr.
  • 第二语言............ 3cr.
  • THEO 111神学基础............ 3cr.
  • 微观经济学原理............ 3cr.


  • EITHER (HIST 408 AND PPUB 210) OR (PPUB 246 AND 3 additional hours from PHIL, ECON, POLI, HIST) ............ 6cr.
  • 数学156一般统计............ 3cr.
  • 文学与道德想象............ 3cr.
  • 神学观点............ 3cr.


  • POLI 329 Public Policy Practice (includes policy research 和 advocacy in DC)............ 3cr.
  • HIST 300在公共场合写作或额外3小时从POLI, PHIL,ECON............ 3cr.
  • 经济学201宏观经济原理............ 3cr.
  • 科学视角与实验室............ 3cr.
  • 科学视角与实验室............ 3cr.


  • PHIL 336自由主义或PHIL 338启蒙 & 革命............ 3cr.
  • HIST 362全球文化与公众............ 3cr.
  • 经济学实证分析............ 3cr.
  • 2免费选修课............ 6cr.
  • 可选冬季休学:*以色列留学............ 3cr.


  • PHIL 337对自由主义的回应或PHIL 339革命 & 它的后果............ 3cr.
  • 自然科学选修课............ 3cr.
  • 3免费选修课............ 9cr.
  • 春季学期可选:*PPP国际留学............ 3cr.


  • PPUB 400高级监督............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.


  • PPUB 401高级研讨会............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.
  • 自由选课............ 3cr.



POLI 246 Mass Media 和 政治/PPUB 246 Civil Society 和 Government - Learn by acting in public. 我们的学生在竞选活动中实习, 合法的非营利组织, 以及政府机构作为他们大二课程的一部分.


PPUB 400高级监督-在高级监督, ask hard questions 和 engage in advanced research under the guidance of dedicated faculty, 还有你的一小部分同学.


公共政策实践-在公共政策实践, PPP学生学习的不仅仅是公众关注的问题. 他们前往当地的政府中心, 区域, 在全国范围内亲眼目睹权力是如何运作的, 推进他们关心的公共政策.


PHIL 397 Paris Seminar in Political Theory - Learn about American politics by examining it through an international lens alongside students from all over Europe at the University of Paris.


99% 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生, 包括哲学方面的, 政治与公共专业, 工作, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduating (Class of 2022). 探索泽维尔的 职业成果仪表板 按专业查看职业成果.

就业机会: 国会和参议院助理, 企业事务经理, 政府事务总监, 全球气候项目协调员, 通信管理器, 律师, 竞选经理, 营销经理, 政策分析, 教授

PPP校友在以下公司工作: 美国参议员罗伯·波特曼和谢罗德·布朗, 辛辛那提市议员, 德勤, 克罗格公司, 辛辛那提市社区和经济发展部, 为美国而教, 美国志愿队

更多: 泽维尔的 职业发展办事处 assists students in their search for employment by offering individual career counseling sessions, 举办研讨会和维护雇主数据库. More than 100 nationally known companies visit the campus annually to interview graduating seniors for open positions.


〇政治科学俱乐部 泽维尔的 政治科学 Club is a fun 和 open platform for students of all backgrounds, political beliefs 和 ideologies to come together 和 discuss current events 和 political "hot topics." This club is meant to provide a non-partisan space to promote growth 和 further interest in politics.

泽维尔通讯社 新闻wire is 泽维尔的 weekly campus newspaper that is written 和 edited by the students of 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台. 泽维尔通讯社的目标是告知校园社区, 火花的谈话, voice student concerns 和 offer students an outlet to grow as journalists.

〇女性从政 Women in 政治 is a bipartisan club that works to empower women to become involved in politics 和 seek careers in related fields. 我们的目标是向女性展示什么是可用的机会, 提供职业发展资源, 促进有关妇女参政障碍的讨论, 并从两党着手解决当今最大的妇女问题.

当我们追求更多的东西时, 我们变得更伟大.




vier University, located in 辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州, is nationally recognized as a top university by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道  和 普林斯顿评论. 99%的学生, including those in the 哲学、政治和公众 major, 工作, volunteering or in graduate school within six months of graduation (Class of 2022).



Spend a semester at a Xavier partner institution in locations like London, 布宜诺斯艾利斯, 首尔或博洛尼亚. 和你的同学一起参加PPP教师带领的以色列或巴黎之旅. 除了, every 二年级学生 travels to Washington DC to engage in policy advocacy 和 research.

Intern with Electoral Campaigns, Legal Non-Profits 和 Government Agencies

俄亥俄州辛辛那提市中心的夜景. 建筑物的灯光映照在俄亥俄河上.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the heart of political decision-making at federal, 状态, 以及地方层面. 在你大二的时候, you'll be matched with an internship that not only puts your knowledge into action but also sharpens your leadership skills.


A student learning something from a teacher while sitting at a desk in a classrrom.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的教育不仅仅是你一般的大学经历. 借鉴了耶稣会天主教400年的教育模式, students in the PPP major get the personal attention 和 support they need to succeed. 其结果是一种既鼓舞人心又充满挑战的教育, 它丰富了我们的生活.



你在寻找学术挑战吗? The University Scholars Honors Program offers incoming students a more challenging curriculum 和 close support from professors while completing their undergraduate degree. Acceptance into the program is highly selective 和 includes a $2000 travel grant.



The 哲学、政治和公众 Program brings together many of 泽维尔的 traditional curricular strengths in an innovative 和 rigorous undergraduate honors program of study focusing on the unifying concept of "the public sphere" in democratic societies. 该计划的灵感来自哲学,政治 & 英国大学系统中常见的经济学课程, but differs from them by placing greater emphasis upon philosophical conceptions 和 historical context. Students are encouraged to follow their own interests in the theoretical engagement of the public in its many embodiments 和 meanings. 除了, the theoretical work in the program is complemented by engagement in the active world of politics through working on political campaigns, 代表立法进行游说, internships in local 和 national government offices 和 summer study in Paris that includes a seminar in Brussels, 欧洲联盟的所在地. The program is highly selective, with 15 to 20 freshman students enrolling each fall.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 文理学院 challenges students to develop an integrated underst和ing of humanity, 世界, 和 God by pursuing the questions raised in 泽维尔的 core 和 departmental curricula. The 文理学院 is the oldest 和 largest college at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台. The college provides an excellent liberal arts education in the Jesuit tradition that prepares students for careers, 专业或研究生院, 以及全球化社会的生活.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台是一所位于辛辛那提的私立大学, 俄亥俄州, 提供耶稣会天主教传统的文科教育. Founded in 1831, the University is the sixth-oldest Catholic university in the nation. It has been ranked among the top 10 master's-level universities in the Midwest by U.S. 新闻 & 过去二十年的世界报告. 《普林斯顿评论》将其评为“美国最好的385所大学”之一."