


推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的特殊教育本科学位通过提供文科和以儿童为中心的学习和发展干预能力的基础,为学生作为课堂教师做好准备. 特殊教育专业以理论为基础,包括200多个小时的实地经验.

As a student in the special education major, you'll choose to specialize in one of three areas as an Intervention Specialist. Whether it is a specialization in P-5 Primary or grades K-12, 毕业后,你将准备好通过发展一个独特的背景来积极地影响生活, Moderate/Intensive or P-5 Intervention Specialist.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的教育课程旨在为学生在俄亥俄州的执照和/或认证做准备. Xavier’s School of Education is fully accredited by the 俄亥俄州教育局 和 Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.


理学学士 in Special Education


Primary (P-5), Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist


下面的示例课程序列说明了特殊教育(P-12年级)专业的课程设置. 咨询官方 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台课程目录 for detailed registration 和 advising information.


  • 教育120:人类发展 & 学习 ............ 3cr.
  • 英语101:英语写作 ............ 3cr.
  • CORE 100:第一年研讨会 ............ 3cr.
  • PHILOSOPHY 100: Introduction to Ethics ............ 3cr.
  • 第二语言(一) ............ 3cr.
  • COMMUNICATIONS 101: Oral Communications ............ 3cr.
  • CORE 101: GOA Co-curriculum Program I ............ 0cr.


  • EDUCATION 324: Childrens Lit for Early Childhood ............ 3cr.
  • EDUCATION 201: Intro to Emotionally Dist Child ............ 3cr.
  • 教育200:特殊教育:识别. & 问题 ............ 3cr.
  • 111年神学 ............ 3cr.
  • 第二语文II ............ 3cr.
  • CORE 102: GOA Co-curriculum Program II ............ 0cr.


  • EDUCATION 205: Foundations of EDSPED ............ 3cr.
  • Orton Gillingham ............ 3cr.
  • EDEL 260: Cultural 多样性 in Education............ 3cr.
  • MATH 211: Foundations of Arithmetic ............ 3cr.
  • 哲学的角度 ............ 3cr.
  • 历史的角度 ............ 3cr.


  • EDMS 350:技术 & 教师主题 ............ 3cr.
  • EDUCATION 364: DAP Instructional Methods ............ 3cr.
  • E / RS选修 ............ 3cr.
  • 神学200级 ............ 3cr.
  • 创意视角 ............ 3cr.
  • 数学212:地理 & 测量mc ............ 3cr.


  • EDRE 471:内容领域素养 ............ 3cr.
  • EDUCATION 370: M/I Characteristics & 统计数据 ............ 3cr.
  • EDUCATION 380: Classroom Management ............ 3cr.
  • 教育373:M/I评估 & Eval. ............ 3cr.
  • 自然科学选修课 ............ 3cr.
  • 一般的选择性 ............ 3cr.


  • EDME 354:蒙特梭利朗艺术 & 阅读 ............ 3cr.
  • EDUCATION 376: M/I Support Services ............ 3cr.
  • EDUCATION 389: Program Practice S/I Disorders ............ 3cr.
  • EDME 353:蒙特梭利数学 & 地理数学 ............ 3cr.
  • 科学的角度 ............ 3cr.
  • 教育372:沟通策略 & 科技 ............ 3cr.


  • 英语205:文学 & 道德想象力 ............ 3cr.
  • EDRE 478:诊断错误阅读障碍 ............ 3cr.
  • EDUCATION 374: 课程 Pract: Mod Disab ............ 3cr.
  • 教育367:超速行为 & 社会 ............ 3cr.
  • 教育203:快速公共教育 & Collab ............ 3cr.
  • 写作强化选修课 ............ 3cr.


  • EDUCATION 402: M/I Student Teaching ............ 9cr.
  • 教育401:教学研讨会 ............ 2cr.
  • 499年核心 ............ 0cr.


Xavier is known for providing an education that's both challenging 和 personal. Here are some courses that are part of the Special Education major at Xavier:

Identification 和 问题 in Special Education (EDSP 200) - This course provides an overview of national 和 state policies, 病因, 评估, 分类, 以及有特殊需要的个人和家庭的问题,以及需要特殊教育服务和适应普通教育课堂的问题. 本课程还涉及合作开发和编写个性化教育计划(IEP)的过程,以确定残疾学生所需的适应和服务. Required field experience in diverse settings - 5 field hours.

Introduction to the Emotionally Disturbed Child (EDSP 201) - 本课程概述了学龄儿童和青少年的适应不良行为,涉及影响发展的心理和医学因素. Other areas addressed are: social/emotional/family aspects, 适应性行为, 社会知觉缺乏, 社交能力, 社会隔离, 习得性无助, 青少年犯罪, 药物, evaluation of etiological factors - 5 field hours.

Communication 和 Collaboration (EDSP 203) - Interprofessional care recognizes a culture of respect, 简洁清晰的沟通, interdependent care for client-centered outcomes, integration of services through shared decision making. 本课程将为学生提供跨学科的团队实践机会,以满足个人的需求, 家庭和社区.

Foundations in Early Childhood Special Education (EDSP 205) - Students in this course address the historical 和 philosophical foundations of services for young children; impact of sensory impairments, physical 和 health disabilities for individuals, 家庭, 和社会. Research supported theories 和 issues concerning early childhood special education practices 和 methods; identification of at risk needs awareness, IFSP 和 IEP procedures 和 issues, developmentally appropriate practices; biological 和 environmental learning 和 developmental factors; medical/health issues, 责任, 培训, implications for learning 和 prevention for educational settings. Articulation of personal philosophy of special education. CPR 和 First Aid Training 和 certification required. Required field experiences in diverse settings - 10 field hours.

轻/中度残疾学生的特点与策略(edsp360) 本课程旨在为学生提供轻至中度残疾的基本知识. 本课程着重于特征的定义和多样性(包括感性特征), 认知, 语言, 学术, 以及社会/情感品质)对于有轻度到中度残疾的个体以及与这些个体相关的主要的过去和现在的教育和法律问题. Required field experience in diverse settings - 6 field hours.


99% 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生, including those in the special education major, 有工作, volunteering or in grad school within six months of graduating (Class of 2022).

职业: Intervention Specialist, Lead Teacher

前雇主: 辛辛那提公立学校, 怀俄明的学校, 西克莱蒙特学校



司法教育工作者支持教育专业/未成年人以及对学校网络和志愿服务感兴趣的人, 老师, 导师等等. The club meets once a month 和 provides opportunities for professional development, 服务和社区建设,帮助学生了解辛辛那提的专业教育社区.


推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的目标是提高人们对“自闭症之声”的认识、倡导和资金. 通过这样的, 自闭症会说话 creates a more aware 和 engaged campus, in issues related to the Autism Spectrum. Volunteer opportunities are shared with club members throughout the year.


卓越学生大会的目的是作为推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台校园搜索项目实习生的导师,努力培养社交技能,增加项目中个人的校园参与度. 除了, 特殊学生大会帮助泽维尔学生发展与残疾人士互动的技能.

当我们追求更多的东西时, 我们变得更伟大.

Find more information about how you can become a Musketeer.


Field Experience for Special Education Majors


学生通过200多个小时的课堂观察和包括城市在内的许多环境的教学获得宝贵的经验, 农村, public 和 private schools beginning in their freshman year. 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台与50多个地区学区建立了长期合作伙伴关系,学生可以在这些学区进行实地体验和学生教学.

Xavier School of Education 研究生课程

Students in the special education major at a graduation ceremony

超过四分之一的泽维尔教育毕业生继续攻读教育学研究生学位,包括30学分的特殊教育医学硕士课程. 学生可以增加执照课程作为学位课程的一部分,以成为有执照的干预专家.

Xavier School of Education Programs

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) Prep

Students in the special education major learning about childhood development


Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) Program


Are you looking for an 学术 challenge? 大学学者荣誉计划为即将入学的学生提供更具挑战性的课程,并在完成本科学位时获得教授的密切支持. Acceptance into the program is highly selective 和 includes a $2000 travel grant.

University Scholars Honors 计划的细节

特殊教育(P-12年级) Major at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的特殊教育课程为同时完成干预专家执照和特殊教育学士学位要求的本科生提供科学学士学位和执照. Students choose licensure concentrations as a Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Intensive or P-5 Primary Intervention Specialist. 特殊教育系的学位课程由俄亥俄州校董会批准,执照课程由俄亥俄州教育部批准. All programs are accredited by CAEP, the Council for Educator Preparation.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 职业科学学院 prepares undergraduate 和 graduate students intellectually, morally 和 spiritually for careers 和 professions of service. CPS通过促进合作和社区伙伴关系,挑战学生追求卓越的学术成就和终身学习, 并结合研究, 学术与创新.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 is a private university located in 辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州, providing a liberal arts education in the Jesuit Catholic tradition. Founded in 1831, the University is the sixth-oldest Catholic university in the nation. It has been ranked among the top 10 master's-level universities in the Midwest by U.S. 新闻 & World Report for the past two decades. The Princeton Review names it one of the "Best 385 Colleges in America."