
Bachelor of Arts

Program Details

Ready to take center stage? As a student in the theatre major at Xavier, 从第一年开始,你将与行业专业人士合作,成为戏剧制作的一部分. 潜入一个充满创造力的世界,在那里你可以定制你的学习,专注于表演, theatre technology, 编剧才能, 导演, 剧本写作或设计,同时获得实用技能和跨文化的见解,为你超越泽维尔的专业舞台做好准备.

有兴趣成为戏剧专业的学生必须与音乐和戏剧系的教师试镜或面试. Read about the audition requirements.


Bachelor of Arts in 剧院


下面的示例课程序列说明了戏剧专业的课程设置. Consult the official Xavier University course catalog for detailed registration 和 advising information.


  • THEATRE 100 - Intro to 剧院............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 120 - Acting I............ 3cr.
  • CORE 100 - 第一年 Seminar............ 3cr.
  • PHILOSOPHY 100 - Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy............ 3cr.
  • second language I............ 3cr.
  • CORE 101: GOA Co-curriculum Program I............ 0cr.


  • THEATRE 110 - Survey of Dramatic Literature............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 150 - Stagecraft............ 3cr.
  • THEOLOGY 111 - Theological Foundations............ 3cr.
  • ENGLISH 101 - 英语 Composition............ 3cr.
  • second language II............ 3cr.
  • CORE 102: GOA Co-curriculum Program II............ 0cr.


  • THEATRE 205 - 剧院 History I............ 3cr.
  • 剧院 Performance Elective............ 3cr.
  • Historical Perspectives Elective............ 3cr.
  • Scientific Perspectives Elective............ 3cr.
  • Philosophical Perspectives Elective............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 198/199 - 剧院 Workshop............ 1cr.


  • THEATRE 206 - 剧院 History II............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 211 - Script Analysis............ 3cr.
  • Mathematical Perspectives Elective............ 3cr.
  • Theological Perspective Elective............ 3cr.
  • 剧院 Production/Performance Elective............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 198/199 - 剧院 Workshop............ 1cr.


  • 剧院 Production/Performance Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • Natural Science Elective............ 3cr.
  • Humanities Elective............ 3cr.


  • THEATRE 310 - Directing............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 198/199 剧院 Workshop............ 1cr.
  • Social Science Elective............ 3cr.
  • Literature 和 Moral Imagination 205............ 3cr.
  • General elective............ 1cr.
  • THEATRE 350 - Internship............ 1cr.


  • 剧院 Production/Performance Elective............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 198/199 剧院 Workshop............ 1cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.


  • 剧院 Production/Performance Elective............ 3cr.
  • THEATRE 450 - Senior Thesis............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.
  • General Elective............ 3cr.


Sample courses within the theatre curriculum:

  • Improvisation for the Actor (THTR 160) - 本课程将向学生介绍即兴表演的历史起源, long 和 short form improv, 和 traditional improv games used by Second City. 学生将利用在课堂上发展的技能创作独白、场景和表演.
  • Acting II (THTR 320) - Building on the skills developed in Acting I, 本课程侧重于通过详细的场景分析来磨练更具体的表演方法, performance of contemporary scenes 和 plays, 和 reading 和 research of major acting techniques.
  • Directing (THTR 350) - 通过对剧本分解和分析的学习和应用,学生将获得剧本指导的实践经验, basic staging techniques, 和 basic 导演 theories. Students will direct two scenes during the semester.
  • Internship (THTR 351) - 戏剧实习课程提供学生感兴趣领域的专业戏剧公司的实践经验, ranging from acting to 导演, 集 design to carpentry.
  • Set Design (THTR 330) - 本课程向学生介绍风景设计师的技巧、过程和方法. 本课程将通过分析和研究来探索风景设计, creating a design statement, developing preliminary sketches, creating a groundplan 和 white model, 和 presenting a finalized design. 本课程还将研究布景设计的历史方面, effective use of scale, 和 key aspects of artistic drafting 和 rendering.


  • Don't Tell Anna- “不要告诉安娜”(DTA)是一个即兴喜剧团体,为校园里的学生提供了另一种娱乐选择. The troupe combines the two types of improv, long-form 和 short-form, into monthly performances that are free of charge.
  • 工具箱, 工具箱是一个由学生领导的即兴喜剧剧团,由泽维尔剧院项目赞助. 具有长形式和短形式的即兴技巧, Toolbox performs multiple times throughout each semester.
  • 许生活- - - - - - XU Live是一个现场表演俱乐部,致力于支持推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生表演者,并在校园中心Gallagher学生中心创建了一个双月开放麦克风现场表演的平台.


99% of Xavier students, including those in the theatre major, 工作, 毕业后6个月内参加志愿者或研究生学习(2022届). Explore Xavier's Career Outcomes Dashboard to view career outcomes by major.

Career Opportunities: Theatrical Design (lights, 声音, 集, 服装, 视频), 导演, 演员(阶段, 电影, tv, 广告), 舞台监督, Producer (theatre, 电影, tv), Talent Management, 教育, 销售, Public Relations, 广告, 市场营销, Communications Specialist, 广播公司, Project Management, Event Management, 物业, 作者, 卫生保健, 筹款

When we seek something more, we become something greater.




推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提市,是美国公认的顶尖大学 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 和 The Princeton Review. 99 percent of our students, including those in the theatre major, 工作, 毕业后6个月内参加志愿者或研究生学习(2022届). 


Two students in the theatre major on stage

从托尼奖得主到专业戏剧公司的艺术总监, 音乐剧专业的学生有机会向业内最优秀的人学习. 您还将有机会参与泽维尔剧院与纽约断层线剧院合作的新戏剧开发.

Current Collaborations



泽维尔剧院制作了一个充满活力和多样化的八场演出, 所有的新生都有机会出演电影, including leading roles. You'll also create your own professional website, 帮你做好离开泽维尔的准备.

Production Lineup



With a varied course selection, 作为一名戏剧行业的专业人士,你可以根据自己的兴趣和职业抱负灵活地定制你的学术旅程. 从涵盖学科内不同主题的课程中进行选择, including acting, theatre technology, 编剧才能, 导演, playwriting 和 design.

Graduate With Honors

Are you looking for an academic challenge? 大学学者荣誉计划为即将入学的学生提供更具挑战性的课程,并在完成本科学位时获得教授的密切支持. 该项目的录取是经过严格筛选的,并包括2000美元的旅行补助.

University Scholars Honors Program Details

剧院 Major at Xavier University

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的戏剧课程结合了实践经验和专业合作,为学生从事戏剧表演和制作的职业做好准备. 以提供学生机会为基本重点, 泽维尔剧院提供了一个充满活力和多样化的音乐剧制作季节, dramas 和 comedies, 与全国最杰出的导演和设计师合作.

Xavier University’s College of Arts 和 Sciences 挑战学生发展对人性的综合理解, 世界, 和上帝的关系,通过探究泽维尔核心课程和院系课程中提出的问题. 文理学院是推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台历史最悠久、规模最大的学院. 学院提供优秀的耶稣会传统的文科教育,为学生的职业生涯做好准备, professional or graduate school, 和 life in a global society.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台是一所位于辛辛那提的私立大学, 俄亥俄州, 提供耶稣会天主教传统的文科教育. 该大学成立于1831年,是美国第六古老的天主教大学. 它被美国大学评为中西部地区前10名的硕士水平大学之一.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 for the past two decades. 《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》将其评为“美国最好的385所大学”之一."