
Academic advising at 推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 is a developmental and personalized partnership between advisors and students aimed at discerning life and vocational goals and creating educational plans to achieve them. Academic advising contributes to student persistence and success by integrating course and career planning and monitoring academic progress.

Academic advising is more than transactional; advisors educate, 促进沟通, and coordinate learning experiences while referring students to relevant resources. Quality academic advising leads students toward taking responsibility f或者是ir academic progress, 做出明智的决定, 实现他们的教育目标. Academic advising complements success coaching, career development, and academic support.

学术咨询与推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台的承诺一致 看台personalis强调大善、服务和团结.

注:本建议声明主要改编自小温斯顿. R. B.恩德斯,S. C., & 米勒,T. K. (Eds.)(一九八二年三月). 发展的学术建议方法. 学生服务新方向, 17.

学术顾问: 了解有关使用EAB导航的更多信息.

为 information about the Student Success model and Success Coaches interact with academic advising, 请看这个更新.

要了解你的学术顾问是谁,请联系你的 大学生成功教练 或者是 研究生成功顾问 研究生.

本网站由 学术参与副教务长.

Academic advisors have an ethical obligation to advise in the best interest of students, 包括(但不限于):

  • treating all students, staff and faculty with respect, decency, compassion, and care,
  • 帮助学生找到并选择通往毕业的有效途径,
  • 尽量减少不必要的教育成本和时间,
  • 假设学生们有成功的良好愿望,
  • committing to having difficult conversations, and doing so with honesty and compassion,
  • assisting students in discerning majors in which those students are likely to succeed at Xavier,
  • 根据顾问作为教育者的经验提供合理的建议
  • 保持专业的货币和发展咨询技能.

Xavier University expects that all academic advisors will achieve high quality academic advising by doing the following:

  • Maintain appropriate levels of advising availability and communicate that availability to advisees.
    • 作为一般的指导方针, advisors should have some meeting availability each week during spring and fall semesters. Students should generally be able to schedule a meeting within the next five business days.
  • 让学生掌握安排课程的技能.
  • 每学期至少与每位导师见面一次.
    • Group advising may be used as appropriate, with individual follow-up as needed.
    • Advising beyond course selection may occur outside of pre-registration times.
  • 及时回复顾问的电子邮件(一般情况下), within two business days during fall and spring semesters for faculty advisors).
    • Outside of contract periods, faculty advisors should refer advisees to backups (e.g.,系主任或项目主管). 这可以通过电子邮件的自动回复和语音邮件的问候来实现.
    • 部门的椅子, 项目主管或其他备份应该有, communicate and meet clear expectations about summer responsibilities associated with stipends, 课程发布, 或者其他补偿.
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of graduation requirements f或者是ir advisees (including University Core Curriculum for undergraduate advisors).
  • 确认令人满意的学业进展:
    • 本科生, document confirmation of satisfactory academic progress in EAB in the first two semesters and once the student achieves 75 credit hours.
    • 研究生, document confirmation of satisfactory academic progress in EAB every semester according to the program requirements and students’ current educational plan.
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of Xavier’s Student Success model and its various roles and responsibilities.
  • Effectively use EAB Navigate and DegreeWorks, Xavier’s academic advising and communication systems.
  • Discuss vocational discernment and formation and career planning with advisees, 包括相关的体验式学习机会.
  • Maintain competence and currency via advisor training regarding curriculum, 法律指南, Ignatian归属感, 以及其他合适的话题.
  • Respond appropriately to students’ non-academic 担忧 and connect students to relevant campus and community resources as needed.
  • 表现出对, 以及对, 专业顾问和教师顾问以及各自的角色.

推荐十大赌博靠谱网络平台 expects that all academic advisors will cooperate with Success Coaches and Career Development in the following ways:

  • Recognize undergraduate success coaches and the Office of the Graduate School as primary resources to answer students’ questions.
  • 适当回应外联活动, 警报, and cases sent by success coaches and Graduate School staff regarding student progress, 担忧, 进度报告, 学生的成功.
  • Submit 警报 when needed via EAB, Student Concern reports, and other appropriate means.
  • Refer students to the Success Coaches for academic coaching (time management, 学习技巧, 转到大学或跨专业, 经济困难).
  • 将学生推荐给学术支持部门进行辅导, 补充说明, 或者学习小组会议,如果有的话.
  • 将学生推荐到职业发展:
    • 协助职业评估和辨别
    • 计划实习和全职工作
    • 协助潜在的专业变更(与成功教练一起).


  • 每学期至少咨询一次指导老师, 当学生考虑增加或换专业时也是如此, 未成年人, 或课程.
  • 在顾问的办公时间预约咨询会议, 并遵守约定.
  • Notify the advisor or someone in the advisor's office if it is not possible to keep an appointment.
  • Be prepared for appointments during priority registration and/or registration:
    • 查看在线课程表;
    • 在DegreeWorks上审查毕业进度
    • 制定一个下学期的课程计划.
  • 在与顾问会面之前,明确一些个人价值观和目标, 并准备好与他们的导师讨论.
  • 在咨询会议结束后采取适当的行动.g., contact the Dean's Office, Registrar's Office, Career Development Office, 等.)
  • 知道每个学期的重要日期:最后一天要改变, 下降, or add classes; graduation application deadline.
  • 为自己的行为和决定承担责任.
    • 注意:虽然顾问可以提供指导, students are ultimately responsible for satisfying all degree requirements as spelled out in the online University catalog under which they entered.

决定专业和/或职业道路可能是具有挑战性的. A variety of advisors and offices are available to assist you on this journey. The following are suggestions for creating your own path to a major and/or a career.

  • 开始确定你的价值观、兴趣和技能
    • Discussions with supervisors, faculty, success coach, academic advisors, and/or 职业教练.
    • 职业评估 (可透过职业发展办事处查询).
    • 问自己一些辨别能力的问题,比如:
      • 这个世界需要我成为什么样的人?
      • 我擅长什么? 我能擅长什么?
      • 是什么给我带来了深深的快乐和满足?
      • 我最珍视的价值观是什么?
    • Writer and theologian Frederick Buechner suggests that "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
  • 探索不同的学习领域
    • 取一个 核心课程 或者是你感兴趣的选修课.
    • 探索不同专业/辅修专业及其要求.
    • 加入一个 学生俱乐部 在你喜欢的地方.
  • Look for practical experiences that help you gain the skills and confidence in a work environment, 比如一份校内工作, 实习, 等.
  • 找到一个 专业的导师 在一个感兴趣的领域




To make a change (switch/add/下降) to your major, please follow the instructions below:

文理学院 (CAS)专业和辅修(以及跨学科专业和辅修) 在CAS网站上开始更改流程.

护理学院 专业,请 联系副院长玛丽莲·戈麦斯.

职业科学学院 (CPS) majors and 未成年人, please contact the new department of the major or minor. They will contact the Associate Dean's office in CPS to begin the process.

威廉姆斯商学院 (WCB)的专业和未成年人,请联系办公室的女士. Cindy Stockwell, Smith Hall 120本科项目副院长.

如果你想了解更多关于特定专业/未成年人的信息, 请联系相应的学术部门.